Plotly heatmap

Plotly allows to build quality interactive heatmaps. This document provides several examples with reproducible code

Heatmap section Data to Viz

Most basic heatmap with plotly

The plotly package allows to build interactive charts with the plot_ly() function. You can build heatmaps specifying heatmap in the type argument. You have to provide a square matrix.

Try: to zoom, to hover, to export to png and to slide axis. Double click to re-initialize.

Note: You probably need to use the layout() function to increase the left margin (l for left). Otherwise row labels will be cut.

# Load the plotly package

# Data: mtcars:
data <- as.matrix(mtcars)

# basic heatmap
p <- plot_ly(x=colnames(data), y=rownames(data), z = data, type = "heatmap") %>%
    layout(margin = list(l=120))

# save the widget
# library(htmlwidgets)
# saveWidget(p, file=paste0( getwd(), "/HtmlWidget/plotlyHeatmap1.html"))

Normalization and color scale

Normalization: Plotly does not allow to normalize the data automatically. You need it to do it yourself. Here is a suggestion using the apply function. Data are normalized by column: cell values are divided by the column mean.

Color:: Several ways are available to custom color. Here the provided Earth color palette is used. You can also pick a gradient color with colorRamp(c("red", "yellow"))

# Load the plotly package

# Data: mtcars:
data <- as.matrix(mtcars)

# Normalize data
data <- apply(data, 2, function(x){x/mean(x)})

# Heatmap
p <- plot_ly(x=colnames(data), y=rownames(data), 
            z = data, 
            type = "heatmap", 
            colorscale= "Earth",
            showscale = F) %>%
    layout(margin = list(l=120))

# save the widget
# library(htmlwidgets)
# saveWidget(p, file=paste0( getwd(), "/HtmlWidget/plotlyHeatmap2.html"))

Related chart types

Connected scatter
Density 2d

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