We're on a relentless quest to showcase the finest graphs created with R.
Our team scours the internet, follows leading creators on Twitter, and examines Tidy Tuesday submissions. As a result, our R Graph Gallery is a curated collection of the most exceptional R-based visualizations.
Exploring these remarkable data visualization projects will not only inspire you but also provide templates and code snippets that you won't find in beginner-level tutorials.
Dive into this section and elevate your R data visualization skills to new heights. 🔥
Chord diagrams effectively represent flows between entities, but too many connections can make them overwhelming. This example gains clarity and insight through small multiples!
by Ansgar Wolsing
Read tutorialA good example of how to customize a ridgeline plot where the legend is actually a smaller plot inside the main one, explaining the data in a more detailed way.
by Ansgar Wolsing
Read tutorialA choropleth map with a barplot and annotations. A good example of how to combine different types of plots on a map.
by Vinicius Oike Reginatto
Read tutorialA vertical line chart with a nice color palette and a clean layout, made with ggplot2 and patchwork.
by Aman Bhargava
Read tutorialA sankey diagram with beautiful colors and annotations
by Georgios Karamanis
Read tutorialFind out how to use a bump chart for a time series and how to highlight specific lines with ggplot2.
by Matthias Schnetzer
Read tutorialWaffle charts can be used to display time series data. This chart shows the evolution of the number of storms since 2010.
by Muhammad Azhar
Read tutorialWaffle charts can be used to display and compare distributions between groups.
by Benjamin Nowak
Read tutorialA clean bump chart showing the evolution of migration flows to Europe.
by Georgios Karamanis
Read tutorialProbably one of the most famous heatmaps ever, illustrating the impact of vaccination on measles cases. Heatmaps can be a powerful alternative for visualizing time series!
by Ben Moore
Read tutorialCombine two ridgeline plots to display several distributions
by Laura Navarro Soler
Read tutorialCombine multiple area chart to display evolution of several categories
by Laura Navarro Soler
Read tutorialMeasure population density with density plot
by Laura Navarro Soler
Read tutorialA map depicting the french population density in the style of Jacques Bertin. A good variation of the bubble map!
by Benjamin Nowak
Read tutorialLearn how to create a dorling cartogram: a variation of the bubble map where bubbles do not overlap to increase readability.
by Benjamin Nowak
Read tutorialIt is a common need to display labels at the end of the lines, since that's the place where labels are the more readable. CĂ©dric Scherer gives us a nice walk-through here on how to do it with ggplot2.
by CĂ©dric Scherer
Read tutorialLearn how to mimick the style of The Economist with libraries like ggplot2, patchwork, grid, ggtext and more.
by The Economist
Read tutorialThis example uses geo-faceting: the dataset is split and plotted using geographical regions. For each charts, 2 lines are displayed and the intersection between both is filled.
by Georgios Karamanis
Read tutorialA stacked area chart with a stunning color palette, some well positioned inline labels, some handy vertical annotations and some clean caption text.
by Gilbert Fontana
Read tutorialThe example is a reproduction of a barplot published in The Economist. The barplot itself is simple, but all the customization going with it to mimick the style are worth a read.
by The Economist
Read tutorialCompare the features of several hiking locations in Washington with a highly customized circular barplot.
by Tobias Stalder
Read tutorial
Compare the distribution of 3 groups using a combination of
boxplot and violin plot with ggStatsPlot.
better than a barplot if you have several values per group!
by Tuo Wang
Read tutorialggRepel allows to add multiple labels with no overlap automatically. Here is a good looking scatterplot using it!
by Tuo Wang
Read tutorialA scatterplot with a regression fit to highlight the main trend, a clean color palette, a customized legend and some greatly selected labels with no overlap
by Claus O. Wilke
Read tutorial
A circular lollipop chart with customized layout, in circle
legend and groups.
A work by
CĂ©dric Scherer for the TidyTuesday challenge.
by CĂ©dric Scherer
Read tutorialA line chart with small multiple where all groups are repeated (but greyed-out) on each pannel.
by Gilbert Fontana
Read tutorial
A Spider chart made using the ggradar
package and a
lot of customization.
by Tuo Wang
Read tutorialA treemap with annotations, labels and colors. A good example of how to customize a treemap with specific labels.
by Yobanny Sámano
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is a ggplot2 extension allowing to make
stream graph with the tidyverse. Here is an example by CĂ©dric
Scherer showcasing how to use this package.
by CĂ©dric Scherer
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A very highly customized lollipop chart representing Mario Kart
world records.
A work by CĂ©dric Scherer for
the TidyTuesday challenge.
by CĂ©dric Scherer
Read tutorial
A very highly customized lollipop chart representing Mario Kart
world records.
A work by CĂ©dric Scherer for
the TidyTuesday challenge.
by CĂ©dric Scherer
Read tutorial
An extended dumbbell plot with clean annotation for mean and
standard deviation.
A work by
Tobias Stalder for the TidyTuesday challenge.
by Tobias Stadler
Read tutorialAn extended dumbbell plot originally published by the Pew research center. Clean design with a gap section on the right hand side.
by Fred Duong
Read tutorialHow to build a stacked circular barplot with multiple sub-groups with R and ggplot2
by Yan Holtz
Read tutorialHow to use a clean heatmap to show timeseries data, revealing insightful patterns.
by John MacKintosh
Read tutorialA clean choropleth map showing the density or restauration per region in the south of France
by Yan Holtz
Read tutorialA dumbell chart is a variation of the barplot. It is used to compare the value of 2 variables for several groups.
by CĂ©dric Scherer
Read tutorialChecking where surfers travel using twitter harvested Data.
by Yan Holtz
Read tutorial